Thursday, April 14, 2011

Greener Grass

John and I got ice cream with another couple the other day (Jarlings - cold fudge sundae with bananas, swisshhh) and we got to talking about something interesting.  One of them brought up all the advertisements that we see on a daily basis.  And I thought to myself that I would like to count all of the ads one day.  Well no way to that, because the average person sees 3,000 ads per day! 

That made me think of what my life would be like if we lived like the Amish, or like people did in 1800s.  Without all the ads, products, technology, and hype.  I'm not saying all technology is bad.  We are able to do so many amazing things in every walk of life with all the technological advances... but how much is too much?

For example, my alarm on my Smartphone rings to wake me up from my Sleep Number bed and I turn on my light.  While laying in bed, I wake up by looking at the weather, news, and email from my phone.  I then go to the kitchen to fire up my coffee maker.  I go to the bathroom and use my Norwex toothbrush, fluoride-free toothpaste, body cloth, and lotion after my shower.  I turn on my hair straightener and blow dryer.  While I am getting ready, I turn on my flat screen TV, blu-ray player and stream Pandora on my TV.  I make breakfast with all the food I bought from the grocery store (with the exception of my eggs John's mom gets from the Amish!)  I hop in my car (that I always pray gets me safely to work!) and turn on an audiobook.  That's just the first hour of my day!

It just makes me think, what if it was 1891 and I woke up to the sun rising, splashed my face with water from a basin in my dry sink, and threw on a dress and got to work making breakfast from scratch for the next hour or two?

Living with John in our own house we have seen all the little things that are part of maintaining a home.  When my parents were younger, they were taught how to do a lot of things for themselves.  My dad knows basic carpentry stuff, proper car maintenance, and how to take care of basic home repairs.  I realize that my generation isn't being taught that stuff.  We got to college to get a good job to have enough money to pay someone else to do all that stuff for us.

It's just interesting to see how society has changed throughout the years ... I am hesitant to use the word 'evolve' because I'm not quite sure if we are.  Sure, we can buy big black cars, tanning memberships, houses behind gates, dinner at different restaurants every night, and $300 shoes and handbags.  And we didn't need sleeping pills at night because we were tired from working with our hands all day and don't stay up watching infomercials until 2am.  But, that's the American dream .. right?

Call me crazy, but sometimes I think .. what's it all for?  So we can live comfortably.  But.. what about when you get there and you are comfortable?  Do you keep working hard constantly so you can never enjoy it?  With all the pressure to keep being successful and constantly achieve more, I wonder where the next generation will lead us.  I'm scared where my generation will. 

I guess the grass is always greener.  But man, this grass looks pretty green..

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